Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1520] [ COUNCIL]

San Felipe 17th Deer 1835

To the general Council of Texas-

I arrived in this place last evening from the Jurisdiction of Columbia whither I some days since proceeded and on my appointment by the Commanding General of Lhe Volunteer army of Texas ralified by you as Conlractor for the purpose of procuring the necessary supplies for the army before Bexar and al.5o for the purpose of Communicating with Gen. Mexia and furnishing him Lhe immediate necessary means of prosecuting the plans contemplated in the Inlerior- I regret verry much to state that the articles mentioned in your Decree on the 6th Inst mark (A) could not be had at any place in the lower country-every thing of the kind having already been purchased up to supply those who had previously departed for the army. In accordance with your decree marked (B) directing me to proceed and make arrangements with and for Gen. Mexia-I proceeded to Quintana and laid before him the views and desires of your body-I found Gen Mexia an officer liberal in his sentiments and anxious to do any thing in his power calculated to aid the Cause of Texas and promote the cause of the liberal party of the lnlerior-and dispose to act in concert wilh the people of Texas in the great cause of defending the Constitution. I felt anxious that Genl. Mexia and his force should proceed to Copeno by waler in order that they might be enabled the sooner to cooperate with our army before Bexar for the reduclion of the Enemy. The shipwreck however which they had recently experience had left them tired and worn out and destitute of clothing and the common conveniences of life and the men were unwilling to proceed that way-but expressed their perfect willingness to proceed by land to any quarter I should direct-I consequently caused the Steam Boat Laura to be gotten under way and had them brough up to Columbia-on my reaching Columbia the news of the assault on Bexar-with the demand for powder and men reached me, and I determined to forward the force al once to that place-but the impossibility of procuring


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