a Copy of Salamans- Artillery dicipline & by complying and answering in haste this Letter you will oblige your friend JC Neill Coln in the vollinteere armey of texis [1519] [PARKER to COUNCIL]
Fort Sterling Deem. 17th 1835
To The Honorable general council of Texas In Sesion at Sanfelipe de Austin Gentelmen
Through much difficulty I have engaged about thirty of the rangers under my superintendance several of them have lost thare horses and the horses continues dying so that it is extreemly difficult lo keep horses for them. I find it verry difficult to percure provisions indeed I can not engage any beeaf or pork for them tho store is plenty in the country. Such is the indefference of the people as to the cause of Texas. I have no other chance but to go to those that has cattle to spare and have them valud. myself and the people of my vacinety has turned out all the beaf that we had the amount of which I shall make out in my next. I have drawn about 100 Lbs Lead & l½ Keg. of pwder from Mr. Lott the Indians has committed no depredation since my last. the boys are zealiously engaged and I hope thare labours will be of the most vital importance to those feeless adventerers that has reclamed this fertile country from savage haunts pardon me Gentelmen to sugesl the propriety of establishing a mail rout from Washington to Viesca as the cost of sending expresses is considerable & it would aford us a great satisfaction lo have the public news at any rate conveyd to our seat of Justice as I have furnishd the principal part of the provisions for the company myself I will make out a full account of expenditurs in my next.
Very respectfully Yours &C, Silas M Parker Superent.
His Excellency J W Robinson Speaker of the Council
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