were not unanimous in that way of thinking and to get .our citizens to reflect. He seemed to approve it and said he would publish it but the next day John Wharton reached there and he has suppressed the publication and substituted a bag of stuff illy comporting with our present condition. I am truly surprised that public opinion should be thus forstalled and our politicians yielding the very right of thought lo a wild unthinking faction. Can or will you do it God forbid you have the power of saving Texas if you will exert it but what is to be come of us Come down. Your friend Thomas F. McKinney (On verso:] Since writing news has reached us that Cos has fled with 100 men from Bexar Milam killed a vessel is off filled from one end to the other with passengers we know [not] what she is but think it the Santiago
[Addressed:] Col Stephen F. Auston Peach Point [ 1518] [NEILL to BARREIT]
Bexar Deer. 17th 1835
D. C. Barrett Esqr.
Dear Sir After much thanks and compliments to you for your kindness and attention to me in absence. I take the liberty to inform you or to recommend to you Lieutenat Toby Fitch for a Lieutenancy in the Regular Army. he has been with us in the seige of Bexar and acted like a soldier and a man. he is now appointed drill master in the volunteer Army and fills his office with credit. he has also been in. the regular Army of the U.S.A and I have no hesitation in saying he will fill the office with honor & I hope you will use your influence with Genl. Houston & the Executive & Council to have him commissioned in the permanent Army Yours Verry Respectfully You will please answer this Letter in haste as Mr Fitch wishes to leave the Vol. Army unless appointed. It is my wish for him to remain as he is of great utility & the Army is inexperienced & awkward & he is experienced and can train them I wish you to send me a copy of the Infantry tacktics & the regulation of the Army l'v.
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