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sum of 315$-for five horses lo enable them lo accompany us on our journey to St. Antonio-two of the individuals in whom he confided has since proved themselves unworthy the confidence and has escaped with the horses, the others are still in the service of the company & will be devoted to its use-arrangements were made by the committee of safety of Nacogdoches to recover the two above mentioned horses and if they should prove successful will be at their disposal • Under these circumstances we most respectfully request that you repay the sum advanced with such disinterested generosity & Magnanimity by Doct Beasly- Gentlmen-with much respect
Your Obt. Servts. -Benj L Lawrence Capt John M Harris 1st Lt. Edw. Conrad 2nd Lt.
Quintana 17. Dec. 1835
Genl. S. F. Austin Dr. Sir
Your horse is sent up by Simon. I am unable to say any thing about the Schooner W. Robbins as to her sailing I would be . very glad to see you for a day or two before you leave. It is now thought the W Robbins should go to Matagorda Perhaps we will be able to arrange otherwise. I fear if a stand is not taken against self <lubed patriots all our labors in Texas are gone to the devil and me with it. Where is the money to come from to pay 10 or 15 Million of Dollars with our present population We must decline in credit and means will be with held from us and we must fail altogether all for being a little fearful of oposing Red hot unthinking politicians whose business will be to spend money but upon the people will devolve the burlhen of paying it and when the devil will we be able to pay 3 or 400$ for every soul in Texas all for high sounding terms-Finding several pieces written and published in favr. of Iudepcndcnce by the Same men over different signatures and finding none of our Citizens oposing-1 wrote and sent lo that Slave Gray a piece in order lo let it be known that we
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