Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

(1515) [JOHNSON to Sl\flTH]

Head Quarters·Bejar Deer. 17th. 1835

To His Excellency the Provisional Governor of Texas Sir,

I have the honor to acquaint you that strong representations have been made to Generals Austin & Burlison, & latterly to me, against Capln. Dimill of Goliad for Arbitrary Conduct in the execution of his duty, for repeated attacks on individual properly And for a total disregard of the Civil authorities & civil rights of the Citizens of Goliad & Guadelupe. In consequence of these representations my predecessors in Command ordered his removal from the Charge of Goliad, but these orders have been treated with Contempt & I feel myself in Consequence called upon to draw the attention of the Executive to this matter, as a continuance of such violent measures will seriously injure the cause of Texas particularly & of liberty generally. To Col. James Bowie, who lately visited Goliad I beg to refer Your Excellency, for further particulars of Capln. Dimitt's Conduct, & I have the honor to subscribe myself, Your Excellency's Most Obt. Servt. F. W. Johnson Com. in Chief Fedrl. Vol. Army of Texas [1516 J [LAWRENCE et al to COUNCIL]

Washington Dec 17th 1835

Tothehon.ThecouncilofTexas at St. Felippe De Austin Gentn.

We the undersigned, officers of The U. S. Independent Volunteer Cavalry company now in the service of Texas feel called upon lo stale to your hon. body the losses sustained by Docl. Wm. P. Beasly a surgeon formerly attached to our company-confident that you will feel called upon lo remunerate him for the same- Doct. B. volunteered in common with us all in the cause of Texas in her struggle for liberty and while al Natchitoches Louisia. to assist several individuals who were anxious to join us paid the


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