Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1513) [HUSTON to HOUSTON]

San Augustine 17th Dec 1835

Dear General

I arrived here last Evening found my family all well I shall leave Early on tomorrow I met about two hundred volunteers between this place and Washington I found many of them much dejected at learning difrent reports and at the treatment they had Received. I gave them all the encouragement I could and left them in good spirits. I made arrangements for one of the Companies to get Beef at Mr. McLanes. if volunteers continue to pass this way there ought to be a Qr. Master ordered to make provisions for them, Judge Hotchkiss has just Recd. a Letter from Capt. Vale informing him that a .Minister had sailed from N. Orleans for Tampico on his way to mexico with full power to treat with that government for Texas stating that mexico owed the U. States 4 .Millions of dollars & that they must pay it or give up Texas - the people in this part of the Country are determined to hold a new Election for members to the Convention. they are principally well satisfied with the proceedings of the Consultation & Council - I had the pleasure of seeing the Indian Chief Vebole at Nacogdoches. I gave him the intellgence you Requested me to. he was much pleased & informed me that his Squaw had got your Moqisins done - I shall loose no time in geting to N. Orleans or despatching my business after I arnve. Yours RespectfuUy, A. Huston Qr. Master General of the Army of Texas To Sarni Houston Comd. in Chief P. S. Mr. David Pittman a Gent. from the U. Stales and a man of high military talents would be glad to receive the appointment of one of your aids. he was a Col in the same Brigade with me in Michigan and was with me in the Last Indian war. A.H.


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