Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

system established in the United States, if the provisions of the organic law are not sufficient. More than a month has now elapsed since the adjournment of the consultation, and the army is not yet organized; and, though I have ordered some officers on the recruiting service, it has been on my own responsibility. It is extremely painful to me to feel what I am compelled lo experience, and believe to exist. I have never failed to render any information, when called on by the chairman of the military committee, and to furnish such books as he wished for his instruction. Yet, I am constrained to believe that he has interposed every possible obstacle to the organization of the army; and, so far as I am identified with it, lo delay the placing of Texas in a proper stale of defence. To arrive at this conclusion, it is only necessary to advertto a report which he made on the subject of the speedy organization of the army. In the report he look the liberty (though entirely unnecessary) of using remarks of a personal character toward myself. The honorable the general council deemed them so indecorous that they were stricken out of the report. To account for this course on the part of the chairman is not necessary. I am careless of whatever individual feelings may be entertained toward me: but as a functionary of the government, placed in the most responsible situation, and so necessary lo the salvation of the country, I am constrained to invoke and to hope for the necessary co-operation in discharge of the duties which I owe to the country and its laws. I am ready to make any and every sacrifice which my relations to the country may require of me. This communication is induced by no other feeling than a sincere desire to point out the difficulties which are thrown in the way of all my exertions to promote the cause of the country; and, at the same time, to vindicate myself against the charge of neglect of duty, or any want of the most zeal in behalf of Texas. SAM HOUSTON, Commander-in-Chief of the Army.


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