Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

established one. .All obstructions to the execution of the laws, under whatever plausible pretex, with the real design to direct control counteract or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities are distructive of this fundamental principle and of fatal tendency. I feel great delicacy in offering any comments on the subject of the decree above mentioned, being extremely anxious that a concert of feeling and action should be the favourite passion of every individual engaged in the glorious cause of liberty and independance, although I could offer my opinions with perhaps less partiality than almost any other individual in the community; not possessing a cent of interest personally in either of the offices. In all my intercourse with the citizens of this municipality in, and out of town, since the excitement I have met with but two persons who approve of the measure. I think myself the measure a ·precipitate one, and when matured by the council will be rescinded, or at least so modified as to give satisfaction. I will only suggest to your reflection the vast expense, besides the impossibility of executing the decree in any reasonable time. To take a tTiplicate copy of all the papers in the different offices would employ twenty clerks from six to twelve months, by which time, I flatter myself a new government will be organized. The decree itself seems to me to be a visionary measure adopted without mature deliberation. I am· but a spectator an auditor in the theatre of political discussions, where indeed I have learned the opinions of a number of our most respectable and enlightened citizens, condemning the measures of the convention in the election of a Governor and council, declaring they were only clothed with powers, to deliberate mature and effectuate the best and most speedy measures to ensure the defeat of our enemies in the field? which being accomplished, the people would call a convention to organize a new government, and frame a constitution congenial to their wishes. Be that as it may, I am happy to learn that you are counted upon as one of the bright satelites to guide us through the mists of conflicting dangers to the standard of Liberty crowned with laurels and bearing the flag of independence Stand forth then, one of the champions of our civil rights, while our brave brethren in the field prove themselves a scourge to the menial slaves of a Despotic Tyrant I fear then may a cloud arise, which will obscure our political sun unless despelled by the soft brescs of conciliatory measures. I hope prudence will be the helm embraced to guide the vessel of state through the political sea, to a safe mooring in the Haven of Liberty and independence. The bearers of


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