of the capture, but it was left in possession of Mr. Catlett, who went round in the William Robbins, for the Brazos, to get an outfit, and has not yet returned. I would be pleased if you would communicate the same to the government. I was appointed agent by captain Hurd, for all whom it might concern, and shall therefore contend that she was a legal prize to the captors and to the government, who are owners of the vessel: the proportion belonging to them and the captors, the government itself will decide. I have a list of the names of all concerned, and their rank, and presume it will he setLled according to the usages of the United Stales' navy." · Let me also mention, thal as Mr. Kerr did not pay any of the amount he agreed to, I left the property in the hands of Mr. Daniel Decrow, at the Pass, with instructions to deliver the same to him on his complying with his contract and own proposition; or to deliver to him one half and return the other. Having now, gentlemen, communicated all the facls attending the purchase of the William Robbins, and the re-capture of the Hannah Elizabeth, I have the honor to submit them to you for your adjudication. Whether it be a question of salvage, or whether she be a legal prize, she is, undoubtedly, the properly of the salvors or captors, and as such, I present myself to you as Lhe agent of the party interested. Trusting you will give the subject your earliest attention, compatible with your many and arduous duties, l have the honor to be,
With highest respect, Your obedient servant, S. Rhoads Fisher
Headquarters, Matamoras, December 17, 1835. It is not a subject within my control, the detention of the Americans, who were brought in on board of the national armed schooner Bravo; and when you require their liberation, as you do in your official note of the 15th instant, and protest against the
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