adjudged and settled, and that a proper disposition be made of the balance, for the benefit of whom it may concern. Having lived since my first settlement in the country contiguous to the sea coast, and frequently called upon in an official capacity, to extend protests and other documents, relative to wrecked vessels, I am well aware of the intrigue, management and downright roguery, which has been universally practised by the unprincipled speculators, and always to the great injury, and frequently, total ruin of the unfortunate, without having it in my power to remedy the evil; which makes me now more solicitous that your honorable body give the subject that attention which it justly merits.
I am gentlemen, Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.
December 16th, 1835.
San Felipe 16th Deer 1835
To Genl. Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the army of Texas Respected Sir:
As soon as circumstances will permit, you wiU proceed to establish your Head Quarters at the Town of Washington, until further ordered. And in the meantime you will use every facility within your power to promote the proper organization of the army which is to be placed under your command. You will inform me from time to time of your success or of the existence of any impediment which you may find in your way. With sentiments &c. &c.
Your obt. st. Henry Smith Governor
[Addressed:] Executive Department of Texas - Official To Genl. Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Army of Texas - Present
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