Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

(1505] [SMITH to COUNCIL]

Executive Department of Texas.

To the Honorable the President, and Members of the Legislative Council: Gentlemen:-

1 herewith transmit for your information, documents received from various persons, touching a wrecked vessel near the Port of Matagorda. That the unfortunate should receive the treatment as indicated in these communications, is truly lo be lamented, and if possible, should be remedied. If, however, your body should not consider it in their power lo reach the present case, but leave it for the investigation of the constituted authorities, it would at least be well lo take the precaution to prevent in some efficient manner, a recurrence of similar conduct. Our sea coast for years has produced nothing but a scene of fraud, corruption and piracies, lo the unfortunate, who either by misfortune or design have been driven upon our shores. So well have we already established our character abroad for having a piratical coast, that it is with difficulty insurances can be effected, and always at an unusual high rate, and frequently not at all. This stage of things has grown entirely out of our disorganized situation, and not having the proper laws enacted to restrain the vice. I confidently hope, that your honorable body will take this matter into consideration, and pass such laws as will prevent a recurrence of these evils, by making it highly criminal, in any person who will embezzle, or attempt to defraud the unfortunate, by the unlawful seizure or sale of their property.-The have very appropriately been termed the bone pickers, who are eagle-eyed, ever hovering around to pounce upon their unfortunate prey. It is now high time that Texas should retrieve her character, in that respect, by passing laws for the protection of wrecked properly, whether found immediately al the wreck or elsewhere on the sea coast, and designating the means by which salvage should be


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