Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

Should take place as soon as possible, I hope you will appoint Some other person to act in my place if you please I would propose Mr. Menifee

Most respectfully yours Eli Mercer



Government Palace, l\ilexico, December 16, 1835. The undersigned, chief clerk of the Department of Relations, charged with its duties, has the honor to return to Don Anthony Butler, charge d'affaires of the United States of America, duly executed by his excellency the President ad interim of this republic, the commissions by which his excellency the President of the United States appoints, as consuls for Tabasco and Campeachy, the Messrs. R. S. Hicks and Samuel Haights; and to make known to him that, on this date, the orders are communicated for their being recognised as such, and to he duly protected. The undersigned at the same time returns to Mr. Butler the commission in which Mr. Francis Slaughter is named as consul for Galveston, without the exequatur; the Mexican Government not deeming it convenient, at present, to admit this agent at that port, at which there is no consul of any nation established ; and, on the other hand, recommends his not being received until the re-establishment of order in that quarter of the republic, which has been disturbed by the colonists and some adventurers. The undersigned avails of this occasion, and claims the satisfaction to reiterate to the charge d'affaires of the United States of America the assurances of his distinguished consideration.

Jose Maria Ortiz Monasterio.

To Don Anthony Butler, Charge d'Affaires U.S.A.


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