Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Goliad 16th December 1835

Dear Sir

This is will inform you that I am still under Confinement in prison and no hopes of my release until! Dimmel pleases-he wount give me a Trial nor give me the sallisfaction of knowing my crimes- or give me no Correct answer whatever-only sais he is waiting rom head Quarters for a Answer there is no news heir at present Marlen returned from the Ranch yesterday your family is all well-Their is twenty on the sick List heir I will thank you to get from Dummy a Round about that I left in the bar Room-

I Remain your Obdt Servant Hugh McD. Fraser

[1503) [MERCER to SMITH]

Egypt 16th Deer 1835

Dear Sir,

The Barer of this letter Mr John Foster, reached here last evening with public Drove of horses from San Antonia accompinied with a letter from General Austin directing me lo take charge of the horses as public property and take care of them until Spring, the letter requiring me to give an account of their number and there condition. Mr. Foster says when he Lok charge of them there number was more than 300 he reached here with 97 Generally very poor; but the winter range in the bottom here is very good and I think they will do very well they will be delivered only to your order. I received an appointment from under your hand authorising me to assist in organising the l\'lilitia al the Jurisdiction of Austin; which I had determined to attend and had appointed a meeting for the Board accordingly; But I feel it more particularly my duty to go to the army, and Shall Set out on tuesday morning next and past [torn] for San Antonia, and as I expect lo remain there some time, and as I think it highly important for the Safety of the Country that an organisation


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