arrival of the order of the government on the subject, evident from the warrants themselves, the said customs house shall credit the firm of Messrs. Rubio Brothers and Company lo the amount of forty-seven thousand pesos cash. San Luis Potosi, December 15, 1835. - Joaquin l\'l. Errazu. [Endorsed:) General Headquarters al San Luis Potosi, December 16, 1835. Accept the present proposals. Inform the supreme government through the l\tlinister of Finance for its approval. Issue instructions to the commissaries of the four departments for the fulfillment of their part of the contract. Senor Errazu may deliver without delay the two hundred thousand pesos which he offers to the subcommissary of this city. - Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. [ 1501) [FORSYTH to CASTILLO) Department of State, Washington, December 16, 1835. Sir: In answer to your letter of the 11th instant, I have the honor to inform you, that remarks made by the President in a message to Congress, are not deemed a proper subject upon which to enter into explanation with the representative of a foreign Government. I take occasion to add, however, that if there by any matter connected wih the relations between our two countries on which it may be interesting to you lo receive further information than that conveyed in our conversation to which you refer, I shall be happy to afford it whenever your convenience permits you to visit me at this Department.
I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, John Forsyth.
Senor Don J.M. De Castillo y Lanzas.
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