Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

presence and in Lhe hope of seeing you shortly J remain y sincere friend John M. Dor My besl respects lo 1\/lr. Rt. Williamson his brolher Charles is on his way to San Felipe - Adieu- [Addressed:] General Sam I-louslon

San Felipe de Austin favored by Mr. Weaver [1327)


James W. Robinson Esqr. Dear Sir

Represcnling Col. Thorn in his ahsencc, I read your favour dirrectcd to him, and was much pleased with its contents, parlicularly your solicitation to learn the feelings and views of your constituents, making that the polar star of your political course. The people have been much excilecl upon the report of the decree of Lhe Convention appointing Commissioners to Lake possession of the archives of the different offices of this place for many days. Ycslerday the document arrived in the hands of Dr. Everilt, and last nighl a meeting of the people took place lo the number of forty seven at a very short notice when resolulions presented by Mr. Logan were adopted with only two dissenting voices, which resolulions will be presenLed to Lhe governor and council by i\lr. Whilacre and Doctr Porter the bearers hereof. Permit me lo say to you sir that I think your constiluents of this place, has acled wi°th a great deal of magnanimity and patriolism, not only in liberal advances in support of Lhe war, but in anticipating Lhe general council in slopping all operations in the land offices and surveys made afler Lhe first day of November; conscious al Lhe same time that they were violating the established laws of the country, and were actuated solely upon the principle that desperate cases require desperate remedies, and nothing but a conviction that a dissolution of the army would ensue, and our glorious cause fail, if the remedy was not applied, could justifie the measure.' The basis of our political sistem, is the right of the people lo make or alter their government at pleasure. But the government which at any Lime exists, until changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. The very principle of the power and righl of Lhe people to c~taulish government, presupposes Lhe duly of cwry individual Lo obt~y the



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