Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Brazoria Deer. 16 The gray horse that Genl. Mexia rides down belongs to my brother in law Perry, I wish you to take charge of him and keep him at your house- I hear that the Schooner Wm Robins sails tomorrow-I shall be down by the middle of the day, and Perrys gray horse can_be sent up with the one I ride down; if you can, have him taken over to your side of the river- I am in bad health for a winters journey-a bad cold has settled on my lungs and I have an annoying dry cough which is very severe- The ideas advocated, and circulated through the country last summer when Zavala was at your house on his first landing, are extending rapidly amongst the people- Mexia's situation is very unpleasant-he has scarsely excaped insult, and I am told that I am denounced as a Mexican etc, merely for treating Viesca and Mexia and a few Mexicans with common politeness- These things however are not carried to any thing like the extreme, that I fear they will be. I say, fear they will be, because some outrage upon justice and hospitality may be committed by our excited patriots, as they call themselves, that will do no credit to Texas- I have a draft on you from the provisional Govt. for $500. Is it good for any thing-I want some money for travelling expenses-How is Mexia to get his men on to Copano-He is in a good deal of trouble- S. F. Austin [Addressed:] Mr Thomas F McKinney Quintana [1499) [BYNUM Lo SMITH]

Alexa La. Dec. 16th 1835

Gov. Smith

Information has just reach'd here of a treaty having been signed by the Mexican authorities al Washington City & this Government, establishing the line between the U. States & the


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