Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Palace of the National Government, Mexico, December 15, 1835. The undersigned, chief officer of the Department of Foreign Relations, encharged therewith, has the honor to inform Mr. Anthony Butler, that his Government, by authority of the law of 23d of the preceding month, (of which a copy is annexed,) to raise the sum of S500,000, in order lo meet the urgent demands of present circumstances, has ordered a forced loan lo be raised; and as this will be levied on all the capitalists of the republic, as well. Mexicians as foreigners, his excellency the President flatters himself that the charge d'affaires of the United States wiU be pleased to give the appropriate orders, that the citizens of his nation may hasten to subscribe the sums which have been allotted to them, and which measure is in nowise contrary to existing treaties. The subscriber, replying to the contents of the note of Mr. Anthony Butler dated 5th instant, renews, &c. Jose l\faria Ortiz .Monasterio. To Anthony Butler, Esq., Charge d'Affaires of the U.S. of America. [1494] [SMITH to COMMANDANT] Consulate of the U.S.A., Matamoras, December 15, 1835. Sir: I have just received your note of the 14th instant, informing me that the American prisoners brought into this port by the Mexican man-of-war Bravo, were captured on the coast of Texas, in consequence of being found on board of an American vessel laden with arms, ammunition, etc., and, in reply thereto, have the honor to slate, that, although the prisoners positively deny that there were any contraband articles of war on board; yet, supposing it lo be the fact, it cannot legalize the capture, because it is expressly stipulated in the commercial treaty existing between my Government and the United Mexican Stales that the articles of contraband therein enumerated, which may be found in a vessel




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