[1491] [MEXIA to ROBINSON]
Columbia 15th Deer. 1835. By Mr. Powers I have received the official note of the Honorable the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, containing the resolutions passed on the J 0th instant informing me of the actual state of the camp and inviting me together with the brave officers and men under my command to proceed to Bejar, by way of Goliad, and there to cooperate with the "Volunteer army of the People." As my coming to Texas has been with theobjectofassisting the Federal cause, and as no other motive is directing my actions than the Public wellfare, I have caused that the dispositions of the Honorable the General Council shall be complied with, altho' His Excellency the Governor has not deemed expedient to manifest me his opinion of the Subject. Part of my forces have already marched the day before yesterday direct by land lo the camp and the other part has gone yesterday to Velasco, for the purpose of taking therefrom two Brass culverins of the force of twelve pounders, 200 Cannon BaUs, 78 Canisters brass grape shot with 1500 weight 100 musquets and Bayonets, and other articles of war, and to convey them to the camp by way of the Copano and Goliad. I am returning also to Velasco with Genl. Austin, and from thence I shall communicate lo the Hon. the Genl. Council, and to the Executive my further proceedings.
I am with high esteem Your most Obedl. Servt. Jose Antonio Mexia
To the Hon James W. Robinson Lieut. Gov. and ex-officio Prest. of the Genl. Council of the Pro,~sional Governl. of Texas.-San felipe de Austin
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