Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Head Quarters, Washington, 15 Deer 1835

To Samuel WiUiams Esq

Sir, You are hereby notified that you are appointed a Captain in the 1st Regiment of Artillery in the regular Army of Texas, by the General Council. You are required forthwith the report your acceptance or nonacceptance of said appointment. Should you accept, you will report yourself by letter to Head Quarters, and in person to the Officer in Command at the recruiting rendezvous of Matagorda for orders and instructions. By order of Sam Houston, Commander-in-Chief. Geo. W. Poe Acting Adjutant General The writer begs leave most sincerely to congratulate Capt. Williams on his appointment & any service or information he car render him command him. [Addressed:] Samuel WILLIAMS Esq Capt 1st Regt Artillery Matagorda (1490] [MEXIA to VIESCA] My Dear Viesca.-! return to day with Austin, lo send from Velasco to Copano the troops, which are still at my command, and the cannon, and other effects which are there. I do not know whether I shall proceed in person, or return to New Orleans as my friends in Matamoros have requested me. I shall advise you of all from thence; and for the present, I request that you will cause all to be printed which I have remitted lo the Government, always omitting that part, which may lend to disclose the combination made with Vital Fernandez.

Yours affcctionately, Jose Antonio Mexia.

Columbia, 15th December, 1835.

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