Antonio de Bexar with a sufficient number of Troops for the defence of the station, I also design, the employment of an Engineer, and [lo] have the fortificalions and defences of the place improved. La Bahia must be occupied by a force amounting [lo] from 50 to 100 men, and commanded by a competent officer. The main force will be placed in a situation where it can command the port of Copano-Refugio Mission will probably be the best situation for a force to be stationed. San Patricio, will also be within the range of the cordon of posts to be established for the purpose of the reception of troops until the campaig of the spring will open. In the meantime I will forward, as promptly as possible the Volunteers which may tender their services; lo the several points designated as they may arrive and are received into the service. It is so manifest that the occupation of the points designated is necessary lo the defence of the frontier, that I will not detain you with my reasons. Sam Houston P. S. Engineers for the different stations will be indispensably necessary for the construction of works, as well as for the selection of scites and the designs necessary. H. [Addressed:] Colonel D. C. Barrett Present [ 1488) [MEXIA to SMITH]
Columbia 15th Deer. 1835
Your Excellency.
The day before yesterday I have despatched from this place the American Company, commanded by Capt. Allen, lo the camp before Bejar, and yesterday the Balance of my forces left here with direction to the Copano by way of Velasco, lo take with them the Cannon, arms, and munitions of war which I have there, and to convey them to the camp. 1 also leave here lo day, for Quintana, lo arrainge matters there, and lo proceed in person if it should be necessary. Of all of which I will advise Y. E. in due time. I am Y. E. most obedl. Servl Jose Antonio Mexia To His Excellency the Governor of Texas. San Felipe <le Austin
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