Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


[1486] [FISHER to VIESCA]

Columbia, 15th Dec. 1835.

Augustin Viesca, Esq.,

Dear Friend and Sir-Ycsterday we left here, with directions to your place, and al the distance of about one half mile, we met Col. Austin, with whom we returned here. To day we leave here by land lo Brazoria and Velasco, according to the Communications of Gen. Mexia, to your Government. 2. I request, that, in conjunction with our friend Juan Antonio Padilla, you will cause the publication of all the official communications directed to the Executive, and lo the General Council of your Government by Gen. Mexia, in order that the sound intentions of the Expedition against Tampico may be made manifest to the People of Texas and to the Federalists of Mexico, that it may serve them as a zest for a movement in the Interior, particularly Gen. Mexia's Proclamation, directed from the Bar of Tampico to his fellow countrymen; also that of the Commandant Gomez, that the people of Texas may be acquainted with the opinion which prevails among the Mexican aristocracy, in regard to them. Without any more, I am affectionately yours, Geo. Fisher A true translation of my original letter in Spanish which I


Geo. Fisher.

[ 1487] [HOUSTON to BARRETT]

San Felipe de Austin 15th Deer 1835

Colonel D. C. Barrett

Dear Sir, Having learned that you have been appointed by the General Council for the purpose of drafting an address to the army of the People, I take pleasure in suggesting lo you my views in relation to the protection of our frontier. I propose placing a field officer in command of San


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