Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

worthy of your glorious origin. You have fulfilled the expectations of your country, and the· hopes of aJI the lovers of liberty on earth. Your Representatives extend to you the cordial hand of congratulation and gratitude, as well in behalf of our fellow-citizens and our famili~s, as for themselves. You have nobly and vaJiantly acquitted yourselves of the high trust which your country's danger caused you lo assume, and your names will be enrolled in the first pages ofyour country's history of heroes, as well as imprinted on the hearts of your fellow-citizens. But in the midst of joy there is mourning, and while we shou L your victory, the tears of holy sorrow bedew our faces. The brave and heroic Milam has fallen in the arms of victory; and the cause of his injured country. In him we have lost a precious gem from the casket of brilliant heroes. God rest his soul! while his memory shall survive as long as a freeman has a standing in Texas. Other brave men have aJso mingled their blood with their country's sacrifices. Their honor is imperishable. Thal your first noble example may be followed, is the ardent wish of· your Representatives, whose efforts in their sphere have been anxiously directed for your aid and comfort; and had your country's means al command been equal to her generous gratitude, your every want had been promptly supplied. Citizen Soldiers:-Many of you have long been in the field of honor and of danger, separated from your families and your homes. A respite from your labors and your privations must be desirable; and it is reasonable, in anticipation of this glorious event to be achieved by your arms. Your government have been solicitously engaged in organizing a regular army, upon a proper footing, together with provisions for an auxiliary volunteer corps, that you might be released and get rest among your families and friends, until the future calls of your country again place you in defence of her, and your just rights. To such calls your have always proved your hearty response. We address you in much haste, but with feelings not to be repressed. Your joy is our joy, your sorrows our sorrows; and with assurance of unabating sympathies with you, and all our fellow-citiznes in the present glorious epoch in our country's annals,

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We are truly your Fellow Citizens and Friends.


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