Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1478] [WALLACE to SMITH]

Matagorda Dec 14 /35

To his Excellency Henry Smith Governor of the Free State of Texas Sir,

The communication from R. R. Royall Esq. g1vmg me information of my having received the honorable appointment of a Captaincy of Artillery in the regular army came duly to hand, and the appointment was immediately declined through the Hon. Judge Wilson; but upon more mature reflection, believing that I can be of use in this part of our country as well as in the interior 1· will qualify my declension of the office by this proviso; that I shall not be taken if possible from this point, or at any rate from the coast with this condition I will with much of pleasure accept the apointment-C. R. Sharp Esq. has also declined his appointment in consequence of his having been elected and having accepted an office in the local Militia hut he still holds himself (as all good citizens do) to march to any post of danger, necessity may call him to.-But his business is of such a nature and he is so situated; that his presence is absolutely necessary a greater portion of the time at this town in consequence of Mr. Sharp having declined-if I might presume I would most strenuously reccomend Mr. Isaac Vandorn of this place to the office of First or if that is filled to the office of Second Lieutenant, he is a man in whom I have great confidence and he possesses the high exteem of all who Know him Should Mr. Vandorn receive the first Lieutenancy, then would I further recommend Mr David Y. Bruce as Second Lieutanant I take liberty in so doing but I Know the persons I speak of and am confident of their capability and radiness I have the honor to he Your Excellencies, Most Obedient J. W. E. Wallace


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