-=--------Demo~sse_nt, of France, aged 25; parents in France. Fred. Dubois, of Danlzie, aged 24; parenls in Dantzic. Fred. William Maiier, of Germany, aged 22; parents in Saxony. Henry Wagnei:, of Germany, aged 24; no parents. George Iselle, of Germany, aged 27; Germany. William H. Morris, of New Providence, aged 23; no parents. L. M. Bellefont, of Hanover, aged 26; no parenls. Three prisoners died in the hospital, viz: ---------- Flemming, aged aboul 25; born in Pillsburg. Harris Blood, aged about 40; born in England. James McCormick, aged aboul 30; born in Kentucky. Enclosed to me in the teller of Mr. George R. Robertson, of December 14, 1835.
A. Butler.
(1476] (SMITH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department of Texas.
To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:
Gentlemen:-! herewith transmit to your body various communications, from Colonel Mexia, which will shew for themselves. I also transmit, al the same time, a communication with the proceedings of the committee of the precinct or district of Sabine, which you will please examine, and take such action on it as its nature and circumstances may require. With sentiments, &c., &c.,
I am your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.
December 14th, 1835.
[1477] [SMYTH to GRIGSBY et al]
Nacogdoches Dec. 14th. 1835.
To Joseph Grigsby & others of Bevels Settlement,
The Committee of vigilance and safety of this place having been informed that a general meeting of the citizens of the municipality of San Agustine would be held on tomorrow in San Augustine, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of holciing a new election for deligates to a convention
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