Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


To the President of the Convention of the Delegates of the People San Felipe de Austin, Honoured Sir,

I have the honour Lo dispatch herewith, for the disposal of the Hon. Body over which you have been called lo preside, CadeL Juan Garzar one of the prisoners taken in this Fortress on the night of the 9th ult.- I confide his safe conduct hence, to the care and fidelity of Caplain Pedro J. Miracle, formerly attached to the division of the l\'fexican army commanded by Gen. Barragan-but discharged from the service in consequence of his uncompromising delestaLion of Cenlralism, and firm adhesion Lo the Republican system of 1824. Capt. M. is Bearer of dispatches & intelligence of greaL importance, from the interior. I have advised the Com. in Ch., by express, of the information received through this officer. Yours very Respectfully Fort of Goliad P. Dimitt Comg Nov. 29th 1835 (13251 [DISCHARGE LIST) A List of individuals who left the army- and who received honorable discharges from the Commander S. F. Austin of the Texas Army where they have been for some time past & who were compelled to borrow from a few individuals money to pay their expenses home- Names-" Veatch

Steele · McComb Hoyle Dr. Thorn Rowlande Goth Grigsby Willis Elliott


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