Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Tampico, December 14, 1835 Sir: Since my lasl respects, I have now lo inform you lhal the prisoners taken on the morning of the 16 ultimo were all shot about an hour since. I beg herewith to enclose you a correct list of their names. I was allowed lo see them yesterday, and they all agree that they were deserters from Mexia, and that they had been deceived, as they had enlisted for Texas, and never for a moment supposed that they were coming to Tampico.·The poor creatures, it is said, met their fate with calm resignation. We have no arrivals from the North, therefore nothing new from that quarter. I remain, &C. Geo. R. Robertson. Colonel A. Butler, &C. List of persons shot in this place by order of the military com- mander, at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 14th December, 1835. Arthur H. Clement, of Pennsylvania, aged 40; no parents. Thomas Whitaker, of Pennsylvania, aged 30; father in Pennsylvania. William C. Barclay, of New York, aged 20; parents in New York. Jacob Morison, of New York, aged 21; parents in Kentucky. Edward Mount, of New York, aged 23; mother in State of New York Charles Cross, of Pennsylvania, aged 23; mother in Pennsylvania. Isaac F. Leeds, of New Jersey; aged 30; no parents. Mordecai Gist, of Maryland, aged 22; parents in Oswego county, N. York. David Long, of Ohio, aged 25; mother in Ohio. William H. Mackay, of Virginia, aged 20; mother in Virginia. Jonas R. Stuart, of Vermont, aged 23; mother in Vermont. Daniel Holl, of Canada, aged 18; parents in Canada. James Cramp, of England, aged 22; parents in Oswego county, N. York. Levi Jacobs, of England, aged 21; parents in Lower Canada. Thomas H. Rogers, of Ireland, aged 23; parents in Ireland. Daniel Donnelly, of Ireland, aged 20; SL. John's, New Brunswick. James Farrall, of Ireland, aged 23; father in Green county, New York. John Martin Ives, of England, aged 35; no parents. Auguste Saussier, of France, aged 22; parents in France.



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