Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

You will procure conveyance by Steam Boal Laura, from Bells Landing to Velasco, for the troops, munitions of war, and provisions before mentioned, and despatch them immediately for Copano. The troops are marching under the Command of Colonel Dn. Martin Peraza, during the absence of the General, who will overtake them at Velasco and march by land from Copano to Goliad or any other place according to Lhe result of his interview with the provisional Government upon the subject. You will consequently in all your proceedings act in unison with said Colonel Commanding and will furnish him with necessary means for the marching and conveying his troops and other articles of war. I shall proceed forthwith by way of the Seat of Government with the necessary teams, to the Copano, to meet the aforesaid articles of war, and convey them by way of Goliad lo the camp before Bexar, according to the orders of the provisional Govern men l. Colunbia 13th December 1835

Wm Pettus Contractor

To Thomas F. McKinney Esqr. Commissary of the Provisional Government of Texas, for the Expedition under the Command of General Mexia at Quintana

P. S. Should any packmules or horses be possible to be procured immediately, you will part of the above mentioned powder and lead remit without delay by land with the utmost speed, as the army is in great and immediate want thereof, as you will perceive by the accompanying circular of the Provisional Government. Columbia 14th December 1835

Wm Pettus Contractor


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