but if my op1111on will do any good as to adhering to the .declaration of 7 Novr. you can make any use of those opinions you think proper S. F. A. [Endorsed:] Read and referred to select committee of 5 . [1472) [BURLESON to SMITH] Bexar, December 14th, 1835. To His Excellency Henry Smith, Provisional Governor of Texas: Sir: I have the satisfaction to enclose a copy of ·col. Johnson's account of the storming and surrendering of San Antonio de Bexar, to which I have little to add that can in any way increase the luster of this brilliant achievement, lo the Federal arms of the volunteer army under my command; and which will, I trust, prove the downfall of the last position of military despotism on our soil of freedom. At three o'clock on the morning of the 5th instant, Col. Neill, with a piece of artillery, protected by Capt. Roberts and his company, was sent across the river to attack, al five o'clock, the Alamo, on the north side, to draw the attention of the enemy from the advance of the division which had to attack the suburbs of the town, under Colonel Milam and Johnson. This serve was effected to my to my entire satisfaction; and the party returned to camp al nine o'clock a.m. On the advance of the attacking division, I formed all the reserve, with the exception of the guard necessary to protect the camp, at the old mill position, and held myself in readiness to advance, in case of !1-ecessity, to assist when required; and shortly afterwards passedin to the suburbs to reconnoitre, where I found all going on prosperously, and retired with the reserve to the camp. Several parties were sent out mounted, under Capts. Cheshire, Coleman and Roberts, to scour the country, and endeavor lo intercept Ugartechea, who was expected, and ultimately forced an entry, with re-inforcements for General Cos. Captains Cheshire, Sutherland and Lewis, with their companies were sent in as re-inforcements to Col. Johnson, during the period of attack; and Captains Splane, Ruth, and Lieut. Borden with their
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