[1470) [WILLSON to SMITH]
Matagorda 13 Decmr 1835
To Honorable Henry Smith Dr. Sir
enclosed you will find a recommendalin for sundry persons. they were regularly elected at the late Election Capt Sharp has been Notified of his appointment in the regular army which appointment his peculiar circumstances will not admit of his embracing the office he having lately commenced business in this place and is doing a fare business Colo Wallace declines under similar circumstances. There is a wreck taken place some lime ago which has created quite a disturbance. I have not been as yet able lo learn the circumstances. I have appointed Jas Collinsworth prosecuting attorney There are Eleven prisoners besides one Lieutenant I have distributed them among the citizens lo create as little expense as possible Please advise me what lo do in the above cases
Very respeclfully Yr obt Sevt Chas Willson
[ 1471)
Columbia Deer. 14. 1835 At night-
Confidential To The Provisional Govt. of Texas,
On my arrival here this afternoon, I met Gen. l\'lexia and
Co. Pettus on horseback starting for San Felipe
They first informed me that the principal object of his journey to San Felipe, was to inform the provisional Govt. of the nature of his relations, and of the sihiation of things in the interior- As these matters are of the greatest importance, he returned with me to this place, and we have had a conference of much interest to the general good of the cause we are defending, but more especially to Texas. He has shown me his correspon• dence with persons of the highest standing, especially a letter which he recd. a few days since by a confidential express from the interior.
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