Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

my relations and friends lo forgive any injury which I may have done them or you. Clear my name from any crime. Pray for your affectionate brother. G. F. Leeds. [ 1467) [RAGUET to HOUSTON]

Nacogdoches Dec 13th 1835

Dear General

I here enclose you Five letters that have arrived here by mail

for you.

Doct. Jones will deliver you the package who with several

gentlemen from the U. States leave here this evening.

We have just sent Col. Wyatts comand out of Town on the way to the Army with such friends as we have joining in our Cause from the U. States. I trust Gen. C. will enable you to visit the City of Mexico as a Conqueror and give Liberty to Mexico by N. Americans. My family join in their warmest wishes for you in haste With Respect Yours Henry Raguel Texas must be immediately declared Independent. Our friends from the U. States all look for that.


[Addressed:] To Genl. Samuel Houston Commander in Chief San Felipe Doct. Jones [14681


Washington 13th Dec 1835

Dear Sir

I have appointed J no Lott at this place to purchase two hundred Bushels of corn, Beef, Ammunition-&c. and deal it out to those going on 150 are between here and Nacogdoches coming on the people here are turning out well all goes on right I am Truly Yours Tho J Rusk Hon Jas W Robinson San Felipe

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