Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

People to organize and be in readiness-This continued unlill 7th of November al which time we formed a Commillee a copy of the proceedings you will find enclosed And al Lhe same time Capt Sanders started for the Army-with Twenty Eight men Equiped in Horses & Guns by said district . The Committee strove lo raise another Company which was not completed when I left all of which was reported by my self to the Genl Consultation under cover of Jacob Garret Esqr including Almontys Letter & other documents explanatory of our cituation as well as the wishes of the People- I further petition your excelJency lo have aJI the acts of the GenJ Council forwarded lo the commillee which I have the Honor lo represent & place them on the same fooling of the other Commilles As your Petition in duty bound forever pray- Jas. Gaines (1466] [LEEDS to LEEDS] Tampico, 13th December, 1835. Dear brither, sisters and other relations and friends-ere this comes lo hand, I shall be in eternity. In twenty-four hours, I shall cease lo exist. Your unfortunate brother, and about 30 others, have been sentenced lo be shot in twenty hours from this-have been treacherously deceived by Don Antonio Mejia, or rather by his agent, Mr. William Christy. We shipped in New Orleans for Texas, on board the Mary Jane, through the agency of WilJiam Christy, notary public, of New Orleans. After being al sea, as we thought, long enough to have arrived in Texas, the passengers became anxious lo know why we had not made our port of destination. The answer was Lhal the schooner had lost 40 miles the first day she went out; nor did we know we was going to Tampico until the day we was wrecked on the bar. We all know it is appointed unto man once to die-and after death to come to judgment. J place myself under the protection of Jesus Christ, who has died for all. He has said come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, for I wilJ give you rest. Break the news of my untimely end to my family in as delicate a manner as possible. I wish you and all

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