Jasper Texas, Deem. 13, 1835
To His Excellencv Jas. W. Robinson Lt Gov & Preside;1t of the Executive Council of Texas Honl. Sir
In compliance with a Resolution passed by the Commite of Safety of this place I Have The Honor to forward To You the following Resolutions passed unanimously by this Commite of Safety Resolved. That We Highly approve of the course pcrsued by the members of our Convention, and That we solemnly pledge oursleves to sustain the Convention and Executive Council of Texas with our lives and our fortunes Resolved. That a copy of the above Resolution be forwarded To the different municipalities and to the Executive Council of Texas Your Excellency Will picas lay this before Your council and also the following. The people of this municipality Feel anxious to sustain our country in all its Important and other acts There is a doubt in the minds of the people here what Course should be persued by Them in the Election of their Alcalde and other municipal officers and They Respectfully Solicit of The Executive Council advice and Instructions how they are to act. The committe at this place have declared that they do not think an Election ought to take place until orders are Received from the Council ordering an Election. You Will Therefore be Conferring an Important favor on the citizens of this municipality In forwarding Immediately such Instructions on this subject as Your Council may deem proper to Give also if in (Your opinion Proper) A Writ of Election-With Commissions To some one of Carry the Same into Effect With Sentiments of the highest Consideration I have the Honor To be Truly Yours S. H. Everitt Secty. of Com. P.S. at the Same Commillc a Resolution was Passed declaring that the name of the numicipality Should be Bevil till another name was Given to it by the people. S.H.E.
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