Matagorda 12 Deer 1835
To the Hon the Governor and General Council of Texas
The undersigned citizens of Matagorda and its vicinity being fully impressed with the importance of the appointment of a suitable person as collector of duties for this Port, take the liberty of recommending to your notice our fellow citizen Mr Joseph Pedelton as one in every respect qualified to discharge the du ties of said office with credit to himself and benefit to the country. Recent circumstances in relation to a wrecked vessel (Sehr. Hanhah & Elizabeth) and improper sale of her valuable cargo ·requires the attention and investigation of honest and impartial officers. An auction for the Port will also contribute much to the security of private properly and will prevent to a great extent, that sort of understanding which has been carried on lo the injury and indeed total distruclion of individual properly unfortunately cast upon our shores when instead of meeting friends and countrymen, and protection for their properly, all has been sacrificed on the altar of corruption. We therefore recommend for said appointment of auctioneer our Townsmen Mr Harvey Kendrick believing that he would to some considerable extent put a slop lo the aforesaid practices, and give general satisfaction to this community. And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound will every pray &c. Chs Willson
J. W. E. Wallace J. W. Fannin Jr.
Horton & Clements S. Brigham & Co. M. W. Smith
I I ,
Francis Desauquc C.R. Sharp
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