Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

Governmenl of Texas, Thal Gen. Mexia be, and he is hereby invited, Logclher wilh Lhe brave officers and men under his command, lo repair immedialely Lo Bexer, by the way of Goliad, and Lhere co-operale wilh the volunleer army of Lhe people. 2. Resolved, Thal an express be dispalched immediately lo Gen. Mexia, with a copy of this resolution. 3. Be it Resolved, Thal the services of Col. Power be accepted, and that he be requested lo repair immediately lo Velasco, or any olher point, and wait on Gen. Mexia with a copy of the resolution passed this day, requesting Gen. Mexia lo proceed lo Bexar, and lo accompany the expedition, and extend all the aid in his power, with authority to draw on this Government for any amount of money necessary in forwarding the objecls of said resolu Lions. Passed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 10th, 1835. James W. Robinson, Lieut. Gov. and ex officio Pres'l of Gen. Council. E_ M. Pease, Sec'y of Gen'! Council. Approved Dec. 12, 1835. Henry Smith, Governor. [1456] [HOUSTON to CITIZENS]

Head Quarters, Washington, Texas, December 12, 1835.

Citizens of Texas,

Your situation is peculiarly calculated lo call forth all your manly energies. Under the Republican conslilulion of Mexico, you were invited to Texas, then a wilderness. You have reclaimed and rendered iL a cultivated counlry. You solemnly swore to suport the Conslilution and its laws. Your oaths are yet inviolate. In accordance wilh them, you have foughl with the liberals against those who soughl to overthrow the Constitution, in 1832, when the present usurper was Lhe champion of liberal principles in Mexico. Your obedience has manifested your integrity. You have witnessed with pain the convulsions of the interior, and a succession of usurpations. You have experienced, in silent grief, the expulsion of your members from the Stale Congress. You have realized the horrors of anarchy and the dictation of military rule. The promises made lo you have not been fulfilled. Your memorials for the redress of grievances have been digregardecl; and the agen ls you have sent lo l\'lexico have been imprisoned for


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