3. Texas was left without any Government owing lo the imprisonment and dispersion of the Excculive and Legislative authorities of the State, by the military Centralists, and every thing was rapidly falling into anarchy and min. It certainly was not the fault of the Texians that this state of things existed. They were living in peace when the Revolutionary flame reached their homes; their situation may be compared to that of a peaceful village that is suddenly assailed by a furious hurricane, which menaces ruin and death, from which the inhabitants seek safety by any means in their power, without being in any manner censurable for the impending danger, nor for trying to shield themselves from its effects.- The truth is, that a storm, which originated elsewhere, threatened to involve th~m in its desolating ravages. They wish to save themselves, as they have a right to do, by the law of nature. 4. Faithful to their oaths, they wished to defend the Constitution, and for this enemies have declared a war of extermination against them, and are trying to deceive the Liberal l\'lexicans with false reports that their objects are different from those expressed in the before-mentioned declaration. God knows this to he a malicious calumny, circulated for the purpose of consolidating Centralism, by trying to unite the Federalists in its ranks, against their friends, the Texians. 5. Very dearly indeed have the Texians acquired their homes in this countTy, which but a short time since was a wilderness infested by hostile Indians. It is just and natural that they should wish to preserve them in conformity with the guarantees of the Federal compact under which they were acquired. It is equally so, that they should obey the first law which God has stamped upon the hearts of men, civilized or savage, which is, self-preservation. 6. To Texians have therefore taken up arms in the defence of their Constitutional rights, in fulfilment of there duties to the Mexican Confederation, and of the most sacred obligations to themselves. 7. They have organized a Provisional local Government to provide for their security as a part of the Mexican Confederation should it again he re-established. Can it be possible that the whole nation will declare war against us because we wish to comply with our obligations in favor of the Constitution, and because we wish to defend the rights which God has given to man, and which the
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