Lieulcnant-Colonel Franks, look possession of lhe house of Don Antonio de La Garza. The second division, composed of the companies of Captains Cooke, Swisher, Edwards, Alley, Duncan, Peacock, Breeze and Placido Benevides, look possession of lhe house of Verramendi. The lasl division was exposed for a short lime lo a very heavy fire of grape and musketry from the whole of the enemy's line of fortifications, until the guns of the first division opened their fire, when lhe enemy's atlention was directed lo both divisons. At seven o'clock, a heavy cannonading from the town was seconded by a well directed fire from the Alamo, which for a time prevented lhe possibility of covering our lines, or effecting a safe communication between the two divisions. In consequence of the twelve pounder having been dismounted, and the want of proper cover for the other gun, little execution was done by our artillery, during the clay. We were, therefore, reduced to a close and well directed fire from our rifles, which, notwithslanding the advantageous position of the enemy, obliged them to slacken their fire, and several times to abandon lheir artillery, within the range of our shot. Our loss during this day was one private killed, one colonel and one first lieutenant severely wounded; one colonel slightly, three privates dangerously, six severely and three slighlly wounded. During the whole of the night, the two divisions were occupied in strengthening their positions, opening trenches, and effecting a safe communication, although exposed to a heavy cross fire from the enemy, which slackened towards morning. I may remark that the want of proper tools rendered this undertaking doubly arduous. At daylight of the 6th, the enemy were observed to have occupied the tops of houses in our front, where, under the cover of breastworks, they opened through loop-holes, a very brisk fire of small-arms on our whole line, followed by a steady cannonading from the town, in front, and the Alamo on the left flank, with few interruptions during the day. A detachment of Captain Crane's company, under Lieutenant W. McD onaid, followed by others, gallantly possessed themselves, under a severe fire, of the house to the right, and in advance of the first division, which considerably extended our line; while the rest of the army was occupied in returning the enemy's fire and strengthening our trenches, which enabled our artillery to do some execution, and complele a safe communication from right to left. Our loss lhis clay amounted lo three privates severely wounded, and two slighlly. During the night the fire from the
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