Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


discovered by a man named Somers, and Lwo companions. They immecliaLely gol possession of the boat, and with their firearms kept il, and prevented the Mexicans from retaking il, and by this means prevented an escape lo the Bravo of the whole party, who had been ordered lo rob, and afterwards burn and desert the schooner. In the mean lime, a party from this Lown was got up, and proceeded below with Lhe schooner William Robbins, recently purchased and armed for the public use. S. Rhoads Fisher commanded the marines, and captain Hurd, recently of the schooner San Felipe, the crew of Lhe William Robbins. The William Robbins anchored opposite the wreck, in order lo cover the advance of Fisher's party with his artillery. When said party landed and marched across, they found Somers and party walking their regular rounds, having kept up a guard for about two days, the lieutenant and crew having previously agreed lo surrender, when an officer should appear lo receive his sword, and thus save Mexican honor. He accordingly surrendered his party; when captain Hurd and Fisher commenced having the goods landed, which being in part done (those likely to damage being taken out) a sale was ordered, without survey or any sort of notice, even lo the whole party who were out on the expedition. Great pains being taken lo keep on board the wreck, those most likely Lo purchase dry goods, whilsl the saJe was lo go on shore. Il was also promised, that the goods should be forwarded lo this Lown for sale, when indeed measures were being taken to arrange it lo "suit purchasers." When offered and sold, no allenlion was had to the contents, or any kind of memorandum of the marks of the respective boxes and packages. In like manner, the vessel was sold, with all on board, without going on board and exposing the goods to the public eye. Captain Hurd appointed Fisher his agent, and between the two parties, all was claimed as a lawful prize, and bought in, and no one lo receive one dollar. They purchased in all the goods, and not one dollar has been paid by the purchasers. Thus the private properly of individuals, citizens of Texas (Carabajal and De Leon) has been seized, and unjustly appropriated lo the use of these men. Il may nol be amiss lo inform you, that when the Bravo was in chase of the schooner Hannah Elizabeth, Messrs. Carabajal


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