Head quarters near Bexar December 11th 1835 Dear friend I Have the pleasure to Say to you that the Vollenteer army is Still before Bexar to the a mount of a bout five hundred and fifty there is a bout three hundred of the boys in the north Side of the town and have this night taken one Side of the Square the bildings of a turys and Layarsen and berry mendas bilding our troops has bin filing for four clays and nights and had the best prospects of Sucksess Very Shortly untill this Evning Colo ugartachea arived with a Rearenforcment to What a inount I donot know but conciderahle tho I have yet hopes of Suckscss we have Sustained but Little Loss as yet a wing to the forces before mentioned we have to Call on our friends and fellow Cittizens for Spedy a a mediate aid both by men and amuntions know is the time to free our Selves from military Despolis no the Losses we have Sustained Consist of two killed to Wit Colo. B. R. Milam and a mister harvy from the untid stas fourteen wondecl and we are Still in Closs Contack and I am of opinion it Will be a Serious one with unless we are aided a medially Send us help and we never will quit the field untill we can Enjoy our Constituanal rites yours Edward Burleson general S. F. Austin Comander in Chief
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of the Vollenteer army
Philadelphia, December l l, 1835. Most Esteemed Sir: In the late message of the President of the United States, the paragraph relative to my country concludes thus: "It has been thought necessary lo apprise the Government of Mexico that we should require the integrity of our territory lo be scrupulously respected by both parties." Now, I recollect well what was said on this subject in our conference at the beginning of the last month, and I admit that the desire of this Government is most just; it cannot be other than the desire of the Mexican Government. The only point on which I should be happy if you would inform me, in order that all proceedings in this affair should be conducted with clearness and perfect understanding on both
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