The appointment of Capt Fanning if he was present would undoubtedly be a good one-bul inasmuch as he is nol here and will nol for a week al leasl I cannot bul consider il as unforlunale-unJess olhers are associated. If genllemen you would appoint agents who could go to work today volunteers mighl be on the way in Lhree days and 8 or 10 days gained lo our suffering army before Bexar. My individual acquainlance in Lhc Brazos Counlry enables me probably Lo be heller acquainled with Lhe individuals who can forward this desirable object Lhan mosl of Lhe members of your body-I would suggest that inasmuch as Capl Fanning is not presenl thal unlill his arrival lhal Horalio Chricsman-for Coles selllemenl-John Loll for Washington. Phillip Coe for Newycars Creek-Samuel Pellus for Mill Creek-John Bird for San Felipe-Lesler and Jesse Burnham for Colorado-Thompson for Navidad for Menifees Neighborhood Randall Jones for Fort settlement James J Foster for Lake creek for Harrisburg-Warren D C Hall for Columbia J. S D Byrom for Brazoria-for Caney and for Matagorda be appointed lo enroll volunleers and forward them on as soon as possible- Nothing gentlemen bul the conviction that our army is in danger could have induced me again to intrude myself on your notice and you will not regard it as springing from any other motive than an anxious desire Lo serve the army
Respectfully l\'loseley Baker
Deer 11th l 835
[1444) [BOWKER lo BOWKER]
Zavalla December 11th 1835
Dear Parents:
I received Sisler Harriets letter about a month since the receipt of which gave me much pleasure her lively and high spirits which she seemed to manifest highly delighted me she said you were all well and going on and improving rapidly now I shall tell you something about myself perhaps you will be surprised when I wrote Brother Daniel last I told him lhal il was peace and quiet up here then but since Lhen open war has been declared between us
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