Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

by a Convention of Texas, elected on the basis of equality of representation so far as possible lo obtain it. l must take this occasion lo express my thanks for the measures lately adopted lo sustain the volunteer army now in the field, and aJso for the aid which has been given lo the native Mexican forces of the federal party, in conformity with the second article of the declaration of the seventh of November last. I consider these measures lo be the rnosl imporlanl that could have been adopted al this lime. With the highest respect, and the most ardent wishes for the prosperity and happiness of our country, under a constitutional and permanently organized Government, l have the honor lo present my best wishes for the heahh of the members of the Council, individually. And lo remain their most

Obedient servant, S. F. Austin.

To the President and Members of the Honorable Council.

(1443] [BAKER to COUNCIL]

To the general Council of Texas

you will nol I am certain consider any one intrusive who may presume lo offer you his opinions on the importance and practicability of reinforcing the present volunteer army before Bexar. I am not the particular authorized representa'Live of our fellow citizens now composing that army-but I consider myself authorized to represent them in any manner when I consider that I may be serviceable in forwarding lo them assistance in their present verry critical condition- The letter I had the honor lo address to your body on yesterday morning-was called forth by the deep conviction that our friends were in danger and that relief out lo be extended lo them-immediately-I think you ought if possible lo forward that relief without one moments delay-for the loss of one week may result in the loss of our army-


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