Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[ 1321 l [SMITH to COUNCIL]

Executive Department of Texas.

To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:

Gentlemen-I herewith transmit for your consideration and inspection, such communications as have come to my hands, as the Executive. The one from Gonzales will claim your immediate and prompt allenlion, as the bearer will probably leave in the morning. The nature of the communication and the requisite attention should be prompl. With sentiments, &c., &c.,

Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.

San Felipe, November 28th, 1835.

(1322] [SMITH to COUNCIL]

Executive Department of Texas,

To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:

Gentlemen-I lransmil lo your body the following bills,

which have received my approval and signature, viz:

One appointing a Commissary lo lake charge of volunteers,


An ordinance lo purchase munitions of war, provisions,

arms, &c.

One for the purchase of provisions, &c., for the use of the army. As well as a supplemental decree for the purpose thereir named. I also transmit lo your body a teller from Major B. F Smith, which you may use as you may deem it properly merits. I also take the opportunity lo inform your body Lhal Mr. Gail Borden, jr., recently commissioned as Second Judge for the Jurisdiction of Austin,_has this day tendered his resignation, for


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