todas las tropas que alli se reunan, cuya clisposicion al mismo tiempo que subsana las diferencias que pudieran vervirir sobre la superivridad en el mando por los Grales. Cos, y Ramires y Sesma, llena ademas el objeto de situar en aquel punto un Gral, de esperencia y de superior graduacion como lo es el citaclo Sr. Gral. Filisola. Reciva Ve. mi considon. y aprecio. Dios y Libertad. Quartel Gral de Sn. Luis Potisi Diciembre 10 de 1835. Anto. Lopez de Santa Anna E. S. Srio dde Guerra y marina [1440] [SMITH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department of Texas.
To the Honorable, the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:
Gentlemen-I herewith transmit to your honorable body a communication from Capt. Dimit, commander of the volunteer forces at Goliad, with an order annexed in favor of the person therein named. The document will shew for itself, and your body will make such disposition of it as the circumstances of the case may require. Austin, Dec. 10th, 1835
Respectfully, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor
New York 10 Deer. 1835
My dear Genl.
If I have not written to you before, since the commence- ment of your troubles, believe me, it was not because I did not think of you, or sympathise with the noble men & the noble cause you are associated with & engaged in. On the day of the arrival here of the news of your having departed for Bexar, I wrote to Col Thorne to draw on me for a thousand dollars in aid of the brave Texians and I have since that authorised Col S. Williams who is at present in this City, to do the same thing over again. Rely upon it,
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