[1436] (HICKS ct al Lo COUNCILJ
[Dec 10, 1835J To the Honorable the President & Council of Texas-We the subscribers volunteers in the cause of Texas now on our way lo San Antonio respectfully reprcsenl,-lhat we have been informed by Messrs Jesse & W. Badget, known lo judge Chambers as men of truth, and verily believe, that there are one hundred and twenty men, volunteers in the same just cause in which we have embarked, who left Natchitoches Louisiana on or about the first day of December;-that under the impression that the provisional government of Texas, has provided the means of forwarding volunteers they are unprovided for further than N acogdoces and cannot come on further unless the Honorable Council shall see proper lo meet them there through an agent with the means of defraying their expenses lo the Army.
Joseph W. Hicks [name illegible] M Hawkins
San Felipe, 10th Dec. 1835.
Dear Sir:
I feel much delicacy in troubling the Gen'l. Council about any matters which I can possibly avoid owing lo my knowledge of their great press of business. But as we have seen the want of organization to discipline in the army this far, I feel it an imperative duty on me to request Lhro' you of the Gen'I Council that a General Judge Advocate of the army be appointed as a part of the General's staff with the rank, pay and emoluments of a colonel in the line. It is a most important office to the order of the army. I have the honor to refer to the Regulation of the United States Army compiled by Maj. Cross, Page 30, 131 & 120-121. The general commanding is supposed in camp lo have many and deversified duties lo perform and in the present war
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