Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

provide for their security as a part of the Mexican confederation should it again be re-established. Can it be possible that the whole nation will declare war against us because we wish lo comply with our obligations in favor of the constitution, and because we wish to defend the rights which God has given lo man, and which the l\'lexican nation has solemnly guaranteed lo us? No, it cannot be believed. The free Mexicans are not unjust, and they will take part in our favor. To arms then patriotic Mexicans. The Texians although a a young people, invite and call you lo the contest which is the duty of all lo sustain against the perjured centralists, separate as we have done from the Central Government, and declare eternal war against il, let us sustain the federal com pact, reslore lhe federal system and firmly establish the liberties and happiness of our country. In this great work you will receive aid and assistance from the Texians, so far as their limited resources will permit, as they have offered in the second article of their declaration. D. C. Barrell, James W. Robinson, Lieut. Gov. William Menifee, and Ex Officio of G. Co'l. Claiborne West, William P. Harris, J. D. Clements, J. A. Padilla, Wyatt Hanks, James Power, Henry Millard, James Kerr, Daniel Parker, Ira Westover, E. M. Pease, Secretary. L. Ayres,

R. R. Royall.


El ciudadano Jose Maria Gonzalez, coronel de caballeria permanente del ejercito mexicano, a sus conciudadanos. Mexicanos: la voz de libertad salio de entre las ruinas en que la perfidia mas in audita sepullara la constitucion de nuestra patria. En Tejas se ha tremolado el estandarte de la federacion, y los hijos de Mexico no pueden ser indiferentes a tan augusto reclamo. Por el arliculo segundo de la solemne declaracion que hizo el pueblo tejano en 7 de Noviembre ultimo, ofrecio asistencia y ayuda a todos los miembros de la confederacion que quisieran tomar las armas contra el despotismo de los centralistas. Esta


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