Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

lhal they can nol ballle successfully wilh cilizen freemen. Conlraclors have been dispalched in diffcrenl directions, and supplies and ammunitions are on Lheir way to the army. We lherefore propse Lhe following resolutions: D. C. Barrett, Chairman. R. R. Royall, Committee Henry Millard, Be it resolved by the General Council of Lhe Provisional Government of Texas, That it is mosl earnestly and urgently recommended to our fellow-citizens, promptly to volunteer and repair to the camp before Bexar, lo unite with the citizen army now there, in saving our country from a long and bloody war by the speedy reduction of thal post. Be it further resolved, that, J. W. Fannin, junior, and Thomas J. Rusk be appointed, and they are hereby appointed by the General Council aforesaid, forthwith to proceed, the one upon the east side of the Trinity, the other upon Lhe west side, for the purpose of collecting reinforcements, and have them enrolled for service thirty days, in separale corps, for aiding in Lhe reduction of Bexar: Provided, that each corps shall elect its own officers in number according with the regular army, and all be under the direction of the volunteer commander in the field: And also provided, thal the said volunteers shall receive the same pay and immunities as Lhe most favored soldiers of the country. Be it further resolved, that the aforesaid J. W. Fannin, jr., and Thomas J. Rusk, be and are hereby consti Luled agents or contractors for supplying ammunilions, provisions and other necessaries for carrying into effect these resolutions, and Lhey or either of them are hereby vested with full powers, to purchase any and all articles necessary for said volunteers, upon the faith of the Provisional Government, or if not olherwise to be procured to take such articles, and lo press horses, teams, waggons or vessels for transporlation, inlo Lhe public service, giving receipls or appraisements for all such takings or empressmenls, and the said agents may appoint public slore keepers and sub-agents at their discretion, and issue to Lhe troops so volunteering, as they may deem necessary and lo Lhe inleresl of the Government, in all cases taking the proper vouchers for their acts. Be it further resolved, that the preceding report and resolulons be printed and circulated throughout Texas.


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