Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[ 14331 !BARRETT el aJ to THE PEOPLE]

[December 10, 1835]

To Lhc people of Texas:

We, the undersigned, having been appointed by Lhe General Council of Texas, a commillce for Lhe purpose of drafting in address lo you, and preparing resolutions on Lhe subject of our gallant army now before Bexar, approach this subject with great diffidence, and under a full view of the deep responsibility which rests upon us, in the discharge of this imporlanl duly. IL is nol necessary for us lo go back and trace Lhe causes which have led us in Lhe defence of our constitu tionaJ rights, inlo the present war with the minions of a tyrant. It is sufficient thal we are now in the war, and Lhal a noble and heroic band, composed of our fellow citizens, and disinterested palriols from the United States of the North, are now in an exposed and critical situation, before Lhe walls of a strong fortress of Lhe enemy, and have, as you will see by the accompanying teller, (lhe letter of B. R. Milam and Edward Burleson, of December 6th,) made an appeal lo you through this Council, for ammunition and reinforcements. They are contending wilhoul the necessary munitions of war, and without the usual comforts extended to armies, against a force more than equal in number to them, and who are well supplied with ammunitions and strongly fortified. And from information of a positive character in our possession, the enemy will be, if they have not been already reinforced by large numbers. Jf your army is not immediately reinforced, they will be forced lo retreat or be slaughtered. Will you abandon this army, who have marched lo the field of danger al the first tocsin of aJarm't Will you give the enemies of the constitution, and the hireling slaves of a tyrant, the first victory?-Will you destroy the last hopes of the "Liberals" of the Mexican Republic'? Will you disappoint the expectations of your friends'~ Will you compromise your own honor? Will you expose the defenceless women and children of the frontier lo the ravages of an enemy, whose only check to their conduct, is the extent of their pwcr"? No, you will not! Rise up, then, with one accord, and shoulder your rifles, march to the l_'icld of battle, and leach the hirelings of a tyrant


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