Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

provisional Government of Texas, by .an ordinance passed by the Genl Council Nov 27th 1835 Henry Millard Chairman of committee on finance [1320) [RICHARDSON to HOUSTON]

Nacojcloches Nov. 28. 1835

Genl. Houston Dr Sir

By reference to the organization of the U. S. army I perceive that the duty of supplying the army with medical stores is confeded, to an Apothecary General, would it not be well to have one appointed forthwith, to proceed immediately to New Orleans, where he would receive his instructions from the Surgeon General? I would suggest the appointment of Doct. Stuart of San Felipe to that office. If however you know any one better qualified in your judgment to discharge its duties, please present his claims to the Governor & Council, upon the organization of the medical department generally I refer you to the accompanying books, under that head. Doct. Everett is here, for the purpose of executing the orders of the convention in relation to the land offices. I am very apprehensive that considerable excitement will result from this movement. This is the most absorbing topic, which, at present occupies the public mind. We shall leave in a few days for New-Orleans, I was in hopes to have seen you before I left.

Very respectfully W. Richardson

Genl. Sarni. Houston Command. in chief of the forces of Texas


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