immediately reinforced a differanl shout will be heard and a differant. work accomplished-situated as our army is al this time-the arrival of Ugarlichear will be its ruin-the shout of victory will be on the Mexican side and the work accomplished will be. the de~lruclion of Texas-I am disposed gentlemen lo speak lo you in plain and direct language- _I am just from the army-I have participated with it in its toils and privations and dangers-and I have seen men without a Blanket Lo cover them-with only one thin pair of trousers and some without jackets clinging wiLh desperate resolution Lo the army and swearing never Lo relurn untill San Antonio fell-I have seen one universal feeling of patriotism pervading the army, such as never was and never will be surpassed-I have seen them all heroes and all willing lo be martyrs-and yet Lhey were fighting and contending only for what you were equally interested in. Gentlemen I repeal lo you Lhis army is in danger-Texas is in danger-and a heavy responsibility rests on you al this moment. I regret to see so lillle done to reinforce them-and so lillle prospect of their being reinforced-I suggest lo your body the propriety of immediately appointing some one lo enroll volunteers to go lo their relief. The individual you may appoint should appoint persons of influence lo go to the differanl selllements on the Brazos & Colorado and raise volunteers all to meet al Gonzales on the 20th of this month-In Lhal way the army can be reinforced and I see no other practical way of doing il al this moment-Gentlemen if you adopt this course in behalf our suffering army and suffering Texas I intreat you lo do it at once-some of our fellow citizens have already lasted the bitterness of Death others are severely wounded and all are tired and worn out with constant fatigue and fighting-For my own part I shall return to my fellow Citizens in arms, I think il the duty of every man to go-but before going I will use my every exertion lo rouse up my fellow citizens-and induce Lhem to go where honor and duly calls them-where Danger and Deslruclion threatens their Relatives-their Friends and Fellow Citizens-and above all threatens Lhe Brave-and Heroic volunteer army of Texas- San Felipe, 10th Deer 1835 Respec t fully Moseley Baker
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