General, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieu tenant, 1st, Do. 2d, Surgeon, Secretary, Captain, Mate, 1st, Do. 2d, Stewards, Cooks, Ordinary Seamen, Total number of force,
l l l l I 5 I 1---13
l 1 1
2 2 8---15 161 JOSE ANTONIO MEXIA.
Geo. Fisher, Secretary. Quintana, 9th Dec. 1835.
No. II.
A Statement of Cannon, Ammunition, and other articles appertain- ing to the Artillery belonging to the expedition against Tampico. Cannon, iron 6 pounders, with carriages, 2 Brass Culverines of the force of 12 pound cannons, 2 Cannon BaUs, 6 pounders, iron, 50 Do. do. for the Culverines, do., 200 Cartridges for Cannon, 4 lbs powder each 20 78 Cannisters grape shot. brass of 2,4,8 and 16 oz. balls, mixed, lbs.1500 Gunpowder for cannon, lbs. 280 Cartridges for cannon, 6 lbs. powder each, 24 (Signed) JOSE ANTONIO MEXIA. (Signed Geo. Fisher, Secretary. Quintana, 9th Dec. 1835. No. Ill A Statement of Arms belonging lo the Expedition of Tampico, viz: Muskets in hands of troops, 81 Do surplus, among which some require repairs, 85
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