Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1426] [ lVJEXIA lo SMITHJ

Quintana, 9th December, 1835.

Your Excellency:

I have the honor to lay before your Excellency five Statements of the particulars connected with the expedition against Tampico, under my charge, since our departure from New Orleans, up to this day, marked from No. I to V. I am your Excellency's most ob't serv't, Jose Antonio Mexia. To His Excellency, the Governor of Texas, San Felipe de Austin. NO. I. A Statement of the physical force of the Expedition against Tam- pico at the time of leaving New Orle_an_s_. ___ COMPANY OF GRENADIERS Captain, Lieutenant, lsl Do., 2d, Orderly Sargeant 2d Sargeants, Corporals, Soldiers, COMPANY OF SHARP SHOOTERS Captain, Leiutenant, Isl, Do. 2d, Orderly Sargeant, Sargeanls, 2d, Corporals, Soldiers, 1 1 1 1 2 4 42---52 1 1 1 1 2 4 38---48


1 1 1 1 2 4 23---33

Captain, Leiutenant, 1st, Do. 2d, Orderly Sargeant, Sargcants, 2d, Corporals, Soldiers,


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